First of all these are my experiences of the pubs. Everyday more pubs are closing and in my opinion a lot of them are not getting the basics right, they are still living in the 1960's.
The first and most important thing is for a pub is to look welcoming, clean and offer the right mix of products. Many times I go past pubs with litter outside over grown gardens, tacky looking banners etc.
The other week I was in Derby with Liz and the children, we just wanted to get some lunch. We were in what's called the Cathedral Quarter and were put off going into one of pubs (owned by a big pub chain) as they was a large crowd of people all stood outside the entrance all smoking, even a member of staff. Nothing wrong with smoking but first impressions count. That pub lost a sale of about £40.00 as we went across the road to another pub.
Some of what I am rambling about may seem very basic but I have seen this so often.
As for first impressions tables need to be clean and not full of empty glasses, staff welcoming, clean toilets, no stale smells of food or worst of toilets!
I feel that a lot of pubs are failing as they have lost touch with who their customer is and what market are they aiming at. For example, if they do food is it value or gastro, is it the family market, local beer (camra), sports market etc?
So here are a few ideas and tips which may help pub owners market their business.
Get the basics right first ie clean, welcoming staff and the right product mix.
Get a website that you can update with events, offers, guest ales etc, on the website ask people to subscribe their email addresses for you to use for email marketing ie newsletters, offers.With the website link it to your twitter account, facebook or blog etc so that you can build up a following and post offers, news and events. Did you know we can design websites form just £299.00 plus vat.
Get bums on seats!!!! Use networking to get people into your pub ie set up a breakfast networking event.( ie Set up morning coffee clubs ie mum and baby, book clubs etc. The reason for this is that it will bring people into your business when you are quite also It will make people aware that your business is there so when they want to go out in the evening they are more likely to come to you.
Get the message out there, make sure that your branding, logo, printed material etc looks and feels professional.
How often do you see menu's with rubbish clip art and most of all no photos to create appetite appeal. People buy by sight and smell.
Have some offer leaflets designed and produce to drum up business with for example offers like buy 1 main get a free pud, a free taxi home if a group of 4 dines and spends say £80.00. Buy a meal on say a Monday evening and get a free drink. etc. Do a leaflet to promote an event ie beer festival or family fun day etc.
So once you have the leaflets printed get out and about, go into town centre and give them out, also if you can offer food samples to passers-by.
Do a door drop in the area where the type of customers you would like live. As for the cost of the leaflets look at them as an investment, 10000 leaflets designed and printed cost lets say £250.
At that price for the 10000 leaflets you would only need to get say 15 new customers spending say £20 each on food and drink, if you look after them right they will come back and recommend your pub to friends and family.
Introduce a customer suggestion box. Name and email required (to add to database). Winning suggestion wins a free meal. Customers can come up with great ideas.
If your hands are not tied up your back with a supply contract, look at local mirco breweries and develop marketing links ie joint offers etc.
These are my rambling's re pubs and food, I hope you found them of interest. If you need help to promote your business please get in contact.